On the Road....


On the Road....

Were in Portland, it's an hour till stage time, I'm writing this from our hotel room at the Doug Fir, G has driven like a demon to get us here (He loves to drive) I've been time lapsing out the window and Edd's been holding court from the back of the minivan, he is the Oracle of knowledge.

So far this has been the adventure we hoped it would, just three of us driving ourselves across the USA, every five minutes we see stuff that makes us want to pull over, scenes from movies we know and love like Stand By Me, huge endless roads and miles and miles of logging trains, but we can't because we have to get to the next sound check!

Tomorrow we will take our sweet time to get to San Francisco, we've canceled our hotel there so we can get a motel in the woods instead, we've decided to go the scenic route, we want to explore.

Gigs have been super friendly affairs so far, it's always a buzz to see such avid fans singing along to stuff not even released here, and as usual we are finding new ways to explore the music, Gale is ripping up pastures new and Edd is now the band, bass, percussion and vox and electronica, it's harder work but very rewarding....

Were feeling the jet lag now, it's a strange distant feeling but actually you can ride it, like being slightly drunk all day, everything's extra colorful and hilarious...

I hope our spirits stay upwards but for now were really enjoying it and it sems the peeps at the shows are too...

OK nearly stage time now,

bye bye x