Happy Xmas Y'all


Happy Xmas Y'all

Hello , It has been awhile since we told you what we are up to . So sorry about that . We are still living and breathing. We are all living in an explosion of cosmic proportions what with the universe expanding constantly and everything. (thats my excuse anyway)

Whilst we were plugging cables in to our newly refurb'd studio we discovered most of it still doesnt line up . And the soundproofing isnt as good as we hoped as we could still hear the tinkling of Santa's sleigh bells...

So we decided to put an Xmas ditty onto the audio player (on the home page) so you could place it amongst your playlists as you stuff Turkey and bits into the few remaining gaps in your bellys. It should be available for download .

Its not a reflection of our new direction , just a bit of seasonal fun to break the silence.

Next year we plan much activity including a new album and other studio fun.

We'll try and be a bit better on the updates, but keep an eye on the audio player and twitter and facebook and all the other stuff you kids do .

Till then we wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy Festive season .

